Sunday, October 5, 2008

08 Conference Weekend

I can't believe it's been a full year since I started my blog. If Di and Carol hadn't shown me I would have no written history for my posterity. They would not know or understand my life. So much of it is not printable at least at the present time. However, I believe the pictures express my time spent on this earth well.

Tonight/day, like most days, I wait for Ian to come home only then can I go to bed. I've done laundry most of the day and cleaned the kitchen and vacuumed. Gone to the library and retuned Redbox videos. Picked up shirt laundry. Gone to Girl Missionary Mall & distribution center & the Bank. I did listen to all conference talks and was truly uplifted. I like male speakers better than female speakers, they don't lay as much guilt on. Kent, Ian and Sean went to General Priesthood and then out to dinner at a Mexican restaurant. I took Conor to Village Inn where he consumed a full breakfast and 3 pancakes. Wow.

It rained steadily last night and all today until 9pm. That was nice but my shoulder and hip are acting up. I am looking forward to tomorrow when I will hear more uplifting talks.

Thanks for listening. Good Night.


[Morgan] said...

sue, i love to hear your thoughts and read your posts.
thank you for being such a supportive aunt and being so great to ellie and jonas! ellie was thrilled to have the "surprise" from you and conor the other night!
she wants to make you a 'thank you picture'
i hope you don't mind us stopping by more often!

diane lott said...

i miss you, come visit again, connor and arden can hang!