Monday, May 4, 2009

Saturday, April 25, 2009

x Natural Rubber Latex Carpet Pad Allergy 12 years of nasal congestion hell

Nasal congestion allergy from a natural rubber latex carpet pad sounds absurd. Of course, I can tell you who had it. Conor, my 12 year old. I've taken him to ENT Specialists (exit the tonsils and adenoids), allergy specialists (2), ER (foreign body experience, don't ask), Pediatricians, Psychologists,Psychiatrists, Insta-care--No human asked me about what kind of carpet pad we had installed in 1992, why would they.

Recently we replaced two hallways and the living room with a hardwood floor. When the carpet guy came to re-stretch the bedroom doorway carpet to the hardwood tack strip I said "That carpet pad looks like rubber?" "Yeah" says the worker, "they used natural latex rubber a lot back in the 90's." Ya think!!!

Sooo, we replaced the bedroom carpets also.

Exit Natural Latex Rubber Carpet Pad and Carpet!!!

Kent and I just looked at each other like "What the ___" I think we knew in the 90"s that it was a rubberish mildew resistant carpet pad from RC Willey when we had the house re-carpeted, we didn't think about the LATEX part of it, or for goodness sake that maybe it would be TOXIC to any of us.

Conor kept having panic attacks. Classic stricture of the throat, rapid heart beating, etc. We thought he was, well--going crazy. Once the old carpet and pad left so did his serious mucous constant nasal congestion. (Before the tonsils and adenoids were removed it was a serious runny nose, think 100 tissues daily). Psychologists at the school and visits to Primary Children's Mental Health Center. ARGH!!!

I tried every internet cure for congestion, every bottle at the drug store, every nasal Rx nasal spray. NO HELP! Poor Conor, a child suffering from congestion using dozens of tissues daily.

All for what. NOTHING JUST A WASTE OF TIME. If you know someone with a latex allergy who is suffering constantly, REMOVE THE CARPET AND PAD.

With Purpose